For the Golfer

December 5, 2011 No Comments by admin

 The whole idea of a Mobility Scooter is to improve your quality of life and get you out doing things you love, like golf.  Golf is a game that can require a lot of walking or a golf scooter which is often shared.

I’ve previously mentioned there is more than a bit of reluctance amongst some who would really benefit from using a mobility scooter. Usually they are indepenent, proud people who do not want to “burden” those around them. It doesn’t matter the people around them more often than not do not consider it a burden and are happy to help. It’s just who they are.

Golf is a great game although I’d prefer it if the person with the highest score wins then I’d be a champion. With three young children I just don’t get the time plus the clubs are probably antiques by now. 

Did you know there are accessories you can get for your scooter that can really enhance your lifestyle? I’ve written his entry for someone however I’m not going to say who as there are a few people who should have a read. There is a family member who knows you love golf but knows don’t play anywhere near as much you should. Even with the buggy you share with friends it is a hard slog for you, getting off the buggy & walking to the ball ends up quite a task after a few holes. They say you are too stubborn to address the issue so I will.

We have the solution to help you be able to play the game more. Its called the Shoprider Rocky4 or Rocky 6  with golf bag holder or there is the special “Golf ” edition.  Basically the “Golf edition” is a golf buggy, I mean mobility scooter specifically aimed at the avid golfer with wider tyres that wont damage fairways, special transmission for the undulations of a course and a golf bag holder you can get around the course much easier than a shared buggy. You can go straight to your ball and not halfway between your ball & your playing partners which will reduce the amount of time walking & increase the amount of time you spend swinging. You know that wil be easier on the body and you will be able to play more often. Plus you can use them like any other mobility scooter.

The solution to the problem is right here, you keep your independence, no one needs to help you around the course.  I’d call that a win win situation.


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