Tip of the Week

November 25, 2011 No Comments by admin

When scooters come in for a service we check a lot of items to ensure you are getting the maximum from your mobility scooter however we find that there are a couple of things that are nearly always in need of attention, usually unknown to the mobility scooter owner.

Firstly the tyre pressures are nearly always below what they should be and this can lead to uneven and early tyre wear.

Secondly the wheel alignment of the scooter is usually out of alignment. This can be caused by a couple of things such as age of the scooter or the front end having been damaged by a collision with the roadside kerbing or other such obstacle. The effect of incorrect wheel alignment is it can make your scooter wander from left to right as you drive along the footpath, it can make your scooter pull to the left or to the right. In some cases it can make the steering vague and the steering can become heavy or even too light to maintain effective control.

Correct wheel alignment and tyre pressures will help you enjoy the benefits of your scooter more and not expend more energy trying to control the direction of your scooter therefore leaving you more relaxed to enjoy the benefits of your scooter and expand your horizons and independence.

We suggest that when you get your scooter serviced next time ask the technician to perform a wheel alignment and you will be amazed at the results. Or call us on 55006245 and we will ensure it is included during your next service atScooters & MobilityRunawayBay

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